This menu page enables you to schedule the playback of either a single video or a playlist, within the next 24 hours less one second.
Before you set a schedule you will need to have the video or playlist you intend to schedule on an SSD installed and cued up ready to play. You will need to have enough power to complete your playback, allowing for the delay between setting the schedule and when the playback will end, so mains power would be preferred or use a battery with extra capacity to amply cover the time period.
Remember to check that both the Timezone and time are set correctly or your scheduled recording might not begin when you expect it to begin.
Stop | Start Schedule
Load/cue up your video file or playlist on pause at the point you want to start from, then open the Schedule menu, set up the schedule and then tap the switch to Start the schedule.
Once you have activated the schedule a message appears on the menu page counting down to when your Playback Starts an Icon also flashes on the main display to indicate the schedule is counting down.
This icon clears when the playback has begun, and the schedule has completed the delayed start successfully.
Setting up the Schedule
To set the schedule you can use the switch to choose either the delay period from now or the time of day you want the schedule to begin.
To adjust the time values tap the + to increase the value and the - to decrease the value. This will roll over when you get to the end so the quickest way from 5 seconds to 55 seconds is 10 taps on - and you're all set.
Delay | Time of day
This switch allows you to choose between setting the time of day you want the playback to begin or how long you want the device to wait before it begins playback.
When you select a Delay period, and the schedule is activated the device will begin playback with that delay period. However, before you activate the schedule, if you switch to Time-of-Day, the device will now set the playback start time to the current time plus the delay period, this might not be the delay you want as it is now a set time. The best practice is to decide which type of delay you want to set and keep it set that way.
The reset button will reset the delay time values to zero, and the Time of Day be reset to the current time on the device.
Turn on the loop switch so you can loop the video or playlist to run in a continuously repeating loop.
Once the schedule is set it will run to plan as long as nothing changes, for example, a power failure or if the SSD is removed will cause the schedule to fail.
We recommend you set the device screen to the lowest brightness when the schedule is running to avoid potential image burn-in damage and reduce the heat output.
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