To upload a video to the VT Player, open your show configuration and select the 'Sources' tab, scrolling down to VTs tap on the Add Video Tile.
This will present you with a dialogue to choose the asset, showing the assets that have already been uploaded. To upload a new one tap the tile to 'Add asset'.
The next dialogue is where you upload your video file, you can either drag and drop or browse your computer for the video file you have selected to upload.
Important, this step will give you an error if your video has the wrong codec/framerate to work, you will need to transcode the video to the correct format as indicated in the dialogue. Here you can see the expected file needs to be H.264 50fps, check this as it depends on your show configuration.
You will get an error message if the file is in the wrong format before it is uploaded, very useful.
The next dialogue provides a field to add a name for the file/asset.
You can watch the progress of your upload and see when the upload has been completed.
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