The resolution, frame rate and codec you choose to record in will very much dictate the storage requirements for you edit. The higher the resolution and frame rate of your recording then the higher the storage capacity and data required. For HD you can choose to work from a single hard drive but it is best practice to use a multi drive RAID array with a RAID 5 structure. This provides both capacity, bandwidth and also redundancy should a single drive fail. SSDs offer a high read and write speed and for HD or 4K 30p you can undertake simple edits from these but it is always strongly advised to back your content up before editing it from the drive you recorded it too. Multi drive SSD RAIDs can provide blistering performance but carry a high price tag and there are now many fast multi drive RAID 5 systems that can provide multi stream HD and 4K editing via Thunderbolt, Fibre, SAS and even USB 3.1. Most manufacturers will specify the read / write speeds of their drives and some cases where the storage is specifically targeted for video use they will state the number of streams via codec and resolution.
HDR and wider colour gamuts do not dramatically increase your storage requirements as the Log recordings already contain this data. The key factors again remain the resolution and frame rate. If you are moving from HD 1080p 24fps to 4K 24fps you will see a 4 x increase in both the storage capacity and data rate required which is the key reason SSDs are used on our 4K devices. 4K60 and CDNG 30p are yet another leap and you will require a SSD that is specifically qualified to record these formats. Please check out for specifics on the best media for our recorder.
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