The edit mode allows you to tag your clips during recording and playback, as well as the ability to add in and out-points to recorded clips.
By the pressing the Favorite and Reject icons you can assign a 'good clip' or 'bad clip'. This information can then be imported into a non-linear editing system to speed up the edit process. You can easily see which parts of your recording you have marked to keep or reject.
Favorite clips can easily be built into a Playlist in playback mode and these tagged sub clips can then be played out, back to back. For more information refer to the How to create a Playlist section. ATOMOS 10 has also introduced extended tags to allow you to apply more specific tags that can help facilitate the edit. For more information refer to the Reset section.
SmartLog is compatible with FCP XML (.fcpxml).
Playback Mode / Edit tools
Main Controls
REC (Record):
Press record to start recording
Play and pause the current clip
MON (Monitor):
Reveal/hide monitoring tools. Toggle on/off
Reveal/hide edit tools. Toggle on/off
There are no user accessible settings available for Edit functions in the current ATOMOS firmware.
This may change with future firmware updates.
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