Exporting Tags
Tap the Export icon to export the tags you have created to an FCP XML file.
'Please wait' will be displayed on screen whilst an XML file is been created on your inserted media. The length of time required to create the FCP XML file will vary depending on your recording time and the amount of flags applied.
Once the XML file has been saved to your media you will be returned to the previous screen.
Importing Tags
The FCP XML file can be instantly accessed by Final Cut Pro when the media is connected to a computer using a compatible dock. The tags will be available upon import of the XML file and can be used to filter and display different parts of your recordings, depending on how you have used the tags to mark and edit the footage. More information about using tags and XML import can be found in the Connecting & Editing section.
SmartLog is compatible with FCP XML (.fcpxml).
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