Choose to use Log/HDR, camera type, Gamma, Gamut or enable HDMI HDR auto if required. Your NINJA V will recognise most cameras when correctly attached via a compatible HDMI cable.
For the best image processing results it is essential to match the NINJA V settings to the camera/input settings.
Turn on to enable HDR image processing inside the NINJA V. Bring the control of post into your shoot - record, preview and review using HDR.
Tap to scroll through to the manufacturer of the camera providing the input. Sony, Fujifilm, Canon, Panasonic, ARRI, RED and JVC.
For each manufacturer there may be a number of different Log curves available and you can scroll through to the correct selection by tapping the Gamma icon.
Select the Color Gamut of the input. This is not applicable to all cameras but again ensure that this matches the input of the camera to ensure accurate monitoring.
The legalize function allows you to convert a full range video signal into a legal range signal to suit legal range NLE editing workflows. This setting is designed for use with inputs in SDR or REC.709 that are set to or are fixed in FULL range, but recording or monitoring is needed in ‘legal range’. The terminology used by manufacturers when referring to levels can vary, but all refer to the range of values contained within an image file:
Terms | 8-bit values | 10-bit values |
Full / Data / Extended | 0-255 | 0-1023 |
Legal / Video / Limited | 16-235 | 64-940 |
If you are working in SDR/Rec709 and have a full range video signal coming in, it is best practice to turn the Legalize function ON, on your NINJA V. For Log inputs, the conversion to LEGAL range should NOT be applied. Log outputs from the cameras utilize FULL range signals in order to gain the maximum level of data and preserve dynamic range. The majority of Log base workflows are derived from Cineon, Kodak’s original Cineon Film DI system. E.g. Sony, Canon and Panasonic all use FULL range levels.
Do not apply the Legalize function to a LEGAL range signal as this will create an incorrect correct color pipeline. The result will create an image that is of lower contrast and look like Log but without the additional dynamic range of Log - as the camera output was already defined as a Rec.709 / BT.1886 gamma.
The legal range toggle is not available when using Atom HDR. Atom HDR is used for log workflows and when engaged the Legalize option will not appear.
The legalize option is not available for ProRes RAW video.
HDR Auto
HDR is detected when there is a compatible input signal. It is important that this is OFF if the camera is not outputting HLG or PQ. It should not be used for regular Log.
About Log/HDR
A better understanding of Log and HDR will enhance your workflow and ultimately allow you to capture maximum amount of detail during recording, and save you time in post production. To understand more about the importance of this function please refer to the The first step in HDR is to recognize you have a HDR scene. Look for a good range of contrast across the brightest and darkest parts of your image and also across the color and tonal range as each color also contains its own brightness or luminance information. section.
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